Why do C-graders perform better in real life? Back in school, there was and still is a popular notion that only good grades lead to success. Every teacher tells this to a student and every parent believes this to be a dignified life. The real-life shows something completely different. Often seen, low-grade students, prove to be more successful in their career and outsmart A-graders with their survival tactics. So why do C-graders perform better outside the examination hall? Here are seven reasons why They stay out of the line. Unlike A-grade students, C-graders do not follow a disciplined checklist. They do their work their way, in ways, they find simple and do it efficiently. There is no system morphed inside them. They know they might fail in the process, but they can always learn. They have bigger things to do. C-graders are not obsessed with grades. They do not waste their energy to fit into that box. They ha...
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